Mumbai: Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited, provider of comprehensive environment management services in India and Asia, was awarded the contract to develop a Zero Liquid Discharge Common Effluent Treatment Plant (ZLD-CETP) at the TSIIC Industrial Park at Pashamylaram, Hyderabad. The contract awarded by the TSIIC is to develop the CETP on a DBFOT basis. The plant will initially treat 480 KLD (kiloliters per day) of wastewater with plans to expand to 1 MLD (million liters per day).

The contract was awarded in the presence of TSIIC Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Mr. Venkat Narasimha Reddy, CEO, Mr. V Madusudan, Chief Engineer, Mr. Shyam Sunder, Mr. Goutham Reddy, MD & CEO of Ramky Enviro, Mr. Durga Prasad Managing Director of Sri Chaitanya Chlorides, Mr. Chidambaram Executive Vice Chairman of Sigachi Industries, Mr. Kondal Reddy Director of SS Organics.
Mr. Goutham Reddy, MD & CEO, Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited, said: “Today, the world faces a water quality crisis resulting from continuous population growth, urbanization, land-use change, industrialization, food production practices, increased living standards and poor water use practices and wastewater management strategies. Given the enhanced focus towards Zero Liquid Discharge, there is a dearth of capacity for CETPs with Multiple Effect Evaporators. TSIIC and the Industries have identified the need and conceptualized a project to meet this need. We are happy to be associated and to partner with TSIIC and the industries here to bring in an effective solution. The Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) will be an environmentally friendly plant providing treated wastewater for reuse by the industries and proposes to utilise environment friendly natural gas “
Speaking at the launch, TSIIC Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Mr. Venkat Narasimha Reddy said, “There was a massive demand for the CETP with ZLD by the industry who were otherwise finding it difficult to meet their effluent treatment needs met by the CETPs in the nearby areas. To address the increasing requirements, we have initiated the CETP project with the capacity of treating 480 KLD and with plans to expand. The CETP is expected to be operational in the next 8 to 9 months.”
The Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is well equipped to treat and recycle industrial wastewater and help avoid illegal wastewater discharge and reduce demand on groundwater resources. The treated water will be reused by the industries to address their process requirements. The plant can treat 480 KL industrial wastewater daily and is proposed to expand to 1000 KL per day. The CETP will be the first of its kind ZLD-CETP catering to Pharma industry clusters and also the first to be operational utilizing environment-friendly natural gas.