Gone are the days when Indian politicians could only be found in a maze of sarkaari daftars. Barack Obama may take the credit of starting the trend, but our very own netas and babus have considerably upped their social media game in recent times. If you are looking to reach out to political big-wigs and have your say, these are your go-to-apps in India:

Twitter: Love it or hate it, but no one can ignore it. Especially when you have the largest network of who’s who from politics and bureaucracy actively tweeting away to reach over 17.5 million Tweeples in the country. Download here for iOS and Android

Public App: If you are a Vocal for Local enthusiast, then the relatively newer Public App is what you should be downloading. Launched in 2019, Public App already has over 20,000 verified profiles of high-ranking politicians, political parties and government officials vying to connect with Bharat. You will find everyone from national leaders and state chief ministers to your local MLAs here. Download here for iOS and Android

Koo: Newest kid on the block is Koo. While the app is yet to establish itself, it is certainly getting quite a bit of attention. Not only from a certain female actor, but political heavyweights as well. Download here for iOS and Android

Instagram: Not the most likely place that most would hit up to connect with politicians but Instagrams appeal is not lost on our politicians. Follow them as they seek to connect with the aam junta through carefully curated photos. Download here for iOS and Android